Functions on the Roles Page

Available functions for the Roles Page vary depending on what you have selected in the Navigator: Root or Role. 




Create Role















Each function is described below.

Topics in this section:

Create Role

Duplicate Role

Export Roles

Import Roles

Delete Roles

Create Role

Click Create Role from the plus sign next to the Roles root, or from the Root Summary. Enter a role Name.

Define its permissions by editing the checkboxes in the Settings panel. Required permissions:

Simplified management: Server administrator

Detailed management: Modify folder content for Role root

Duplicate Role

Use this if you want to create a user with settings similar to those of an existing role. 

Select the existing role, then click Duplicate from the Summary panel. Give the duplicate role a new name. Then adjust its settings in the Settings panel. Required permissions:

Simplified management: Server administrator

Detailed management: Modify folder content for Role root

Export Roles

Use this function to transfer roles to a different BIMcloud, or to store user data for backup purposes. Select the role(s) you wish to export:

To export all roles, click on the Roles root folder.

To export a single or multiple users/groups, select them in the Navigator.

Note: To multi-select items in the Navigator, activate the checkboxes by clicking the checkmark at the top of the page.

Click Export. 

Data for all the roles you are exporting will be placed into a single file and downloaded into your browser’s default download folder, with extension .BIMRoles.

Import Roles 

Click the Plus button on the Role root, or select the Role root and click Import from the available functions. Browse for a file containing the roles to import (with extension .BIMRoles).

The role file is imported to the BIMcloud Manager.

If the BIMcloud Manager already contains a role with the same name as an imported role, the imported role is renamed with a suffix (the existing role will not be overwritten). Required permissions:

Simplified management: Server administrator

Detailed management: Modify folder content for Role root

Delete Roles

1.Select one or more roles to delete.

Note: To multi-select items in the Navigator, activate the checkboxes by clicking the checkmark at the top of the page. 

2.Click Delete.

Confirm the Delete process in the upcoming dialog box. Required permissions:

Simplified management: Server administrator

Detailed management: Delete/Remove content for Roles root

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Roles Navigator
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