Offset Options In Case of Multiple Targets

Offset always occurs in one direction (one to the other): the adjusting Members will be offset to their targets; the targeted Members will remain unchanged. But what if there are several possible target elements?

In this case, use the “Multiple targets” controls (shown in the images below) to define the preferred group of target elements based on their geometry.

In the dialog box, click on the icons to see a text and illustration for each possibility.

Target Options When Offsetting to a 1D Member 

In case of multiple targets, offset to element with

Highest core

Offset to the target 1D Member(s) whose core Height dimension is larger

Lowest core

Offset to the target 1D Member(s) whose core Height dimension is smaller

Highest position

Offset to the target 1D Member(s) that have the highest elevation value

Lowest position

Offset to the target 1D Member(s) that have the lowest elevation value

Target Options When Offsetting to a 2D Member 

Offsetting 1D to 2D Member

Offsetting 2D to 2D Member

In case of multiple targets, offset to element with

Thickest core

Offset to the target 2D Member(s) with the largest core thickness value

Thinnest core

Offset to the target 2D Member(s) with the smallest core thickness value 

Highest position

Offset to the target 2D Member(s) that have the highest elevation value

Lowest position

Offset to the target 2D Member(s) that have the lowest elevation value

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