Go to File > Interoperability > SAF > SAF Translators, and choose the Export translator.
Use Material Mapping to map ARCHICAD Building Materials to their exact counterparts (“SAF Material”) in the receiving software.
You can map each ARCHICAD Building Material by name to a specified SAF Material.
See Map ARCHICAD Building Material (By Name).
Any Building Material that is not mapped by name uses the default specified at “Other Building Materials” - this is a catch-all definition.
Material mapping definitions in this panel apply to the following exported ARCHICAD structures:
•All 2D Members
•1D Members with Rectangular and Circular Profile
•Complex Profiles that are exported as “General” Types in the Profile Mapping panel. (These have no corresponding named SAF Cross-Section which would include a material.)
–For all other ARCHICAD Complex Profiles: Material mapping does not apply. These Complex Profiles are mapped by name (in the Profile Mapping panel) to a corresponding SAF Cross-Section, which includes a material definition.