Structures Tab Page

The Structures tab page of the Energy Model Review palette lists the space boundaries on the building’s external and internal structures, with all their physical properties that are relevant for the energy simulation. The opaque panels of curtain walls also appear on the Structures list.


The Tree View of the Structures Page shows exactly which External and Internal Structures belong to which thermal block in an easy to understand, graphic way. If a structure is selected, its properties are displayed on the bottom of the page, in the Structure Properties section.


Structures Data

There are two kinds of data types:

ARCHICAD model data types (coming directly from the BIM):

In case of Structures: Thermal Block assignment, Orientation, Space Boundary Category, ARCHICAD Element Type, Complexity, Name, Area, Thickness, Renovation Status

Additional data types (assigned to the Structures list entries by the user):

U-value/R-value, Infiltration, Solar Absorptance, Correction-area

See Structure Property Settings (Energy Evaluation).

Show or hide any of these data types as needed:

In tree view: right-click any Structure Properties list item to show or hide the data types

In list view: Click the arrow pop-up at right to show or hide the table columns


One Structures List entry usually consists of multiple Space boundaries. All Space boundaries that are identical in all their ARCHICAD model data types are aggregated in a single Structures List entry and appear with the sum of their areas on the list.


In list view, you can rearrange the list according to any property by clicking on the property’s headline button.

Area Threshold

To filter out structure or opening list entries of negligible area, enter a value in the “Area Threshold” field at the bottom of the Structures list. Entries whose area is smaller than this value will not be listed, and will not be considered by the calculation engine. (If you later lower this area threshold, the filtered-out structures will reappear as applicable.)

Setting an Area threshold will help you filter out small areas that are insignificant for energy evaluation, resulting in a more manageable Structures list.

Structure Area Correction

The Structures tab page of the Model Review palette has a data type for “Correction-area”. For any listed Structure, you can adjust the area by entering a positive or negative value in this column. The value of this item in the “Area” column will be adjusted accordingly; this corrected Area value (if positive) will be used by the calculation engine.

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