Set Up Adjustment Rules

1.Define the two Groups of Members: Elements by type or criteria (see Members in Adjustment Rule below) 

2.Define the Rule Method (see Adjustment Rule Methods: One to the Other, or To Each Other below) 

3.Set the Adjuster Type.

4.Set additional options depending on the specific adjuster

See Adjuster Types and Options for details. 

Notes on Adjustment Rules

Rules are applied in the order they are listed, and they are all carried out. You can drag rules to change their order.

Generally, the Offset rules come at the top of the list: they are used not to create connections per se, but to line up the elements so that the rest of the rules (Stretch, Cutback) can work as needed.

Hover over any Adjustment Rule to see an info pop-up, showing its parameters and a preview. 

Use the buttons at the bottom of the Adjustment Rules panel to Add or Remove rules.

Important: If you remove a Rule, the associated adjustment is no longer applied, and the Structural Analytical Model reverts to its original position!

Members in Adjustment Rule

Members of an Adjustment Rule can be

Any element type in the Structural Analytical Model

All 1D or all 2D Members 

Criteria-based groups of Structural Analytical Members 

Adjustment Rule Methods: One to the Other, or To Each Other

This control sets how the adjustment should affect the two Member groups in the Adjustment Rule. 

One to the other: The Members in the left column are modified; the Members in the right column remain unchanged. Use this method to Stretch and/or Cutback, or Offset one group of elements to each other. The Offset and Snap adjusters always use this unidirectional method.

To each other: Members in both categories are affected. Use this method to Stretch and/or Cutback two groups of elements to each other.

See the following sections for details and examples:

Adjuster Types and Options

Examples of Adjustment Rules

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