Fill Listing Parameters


Short Description

Long Description

Fill Category

As set in Fill Settings dia­log:

- Drafting fill

- Cover fill

- Cut fill

- Cut fill - Building Material

Fill Categories are used to group fills according to their function in the project. May be useful if you want to retain fill's physical properties (use Cut Fill/Building Material), for DXF/DWG Conversion, and for Energy Evaluation.

Fill Holes Perime­ter

Perimeter of all holes in the Fill element


Fill Perimeter

Perimeter of the Fill ele­ment


Fill Type

Type of the Fill pattern (e.g. Solid, Vectorial, Symbol, Image)

To list the name of the Fill type instead: Use the Fill Type parameter in the "General" parameter group.

Holes Surface Area

Surface area of all holes in the Fill element


Image name

Name of the image-type file (for Fills with Fill type of "Image")

Defined in the Fill Texture panel of the Fills dialog box, if the Fill type is Image


For transparent Solid Fills, lists the percentage trans­parency.

E.g. 25%, 50%, 75%. All other fills have zero Transparency.

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