Get Selection Basket

When you find components that need to be fixed in Solibri, use Get Selection Basket to easily select them in ARCHICAD.

1.In Solibri, add elements to the Selection Basket.

A screenshot of a cell phoneDescription automatically generated 

2.In ARCHICAD, click Get Selection Basket.

A close up of a deviceDescription automatically generated 

All components in the Selection Basket will be selected in ARCHICAD, provided that they are visible in the current view.

Note: You can also opt to include the Camera position of the view. (With Solibri versions 9.12.1 and up only.)

The Solibri palette gives you feedback on

the number of elements in the Selection Basket

the number of elements currently selected in ARCHICAD

whether any elements are not visible in ARCHICAD, and therefore cannot be selected.

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