Highlights and Suggestions

As in traditional issue management workflows, ARCHICAD users still have the option to simply highlight model elements and assign them to other users, for design communication with no further action needed.

But in the new workflow, issues can contain not only highlighted elements, but also any number of suggestions, of three types:

New – suggest a new element

Modify – suggest a modified alternative of an existing element

Delete – suggest that an existing element be deleted

All elements connected to suggestions are displayed in different colors for easy review in any 2D or 3D window.

https://helpcenter.graphisoft.com/wp-content/uploads/archicad-24/005_newfeatures/New.png   https://helpcenter.graphisoft.com/wp-content/uploads/archicad-24/005_newfeatures/Modified.png   https://helpcenter.graphisoft.com/wp-content/uploads/archicad-24/005_newfeatures/Deleted.png

Suggestions for element changes - New, Modify and Delete

To create a suggestion, users add 3D elements to a currently opened Issue. In Teamwork, every suggestion (via its containing issue) can be assigned to any other user for approval, who is instantly notified.


Assign Issues to other team members

Suggested design changes do not become part of the model until the assigned user accepts it.

Furthermore, the user can accept a suggestion only partially; he or she can limit the element changes to certain parameter sets (e.g. accept the suggested Building Material, but not the modified geometry).


Accepting suggested element changes partially

Once a suggestion is accepted fully or partially:

Deleted elements are removed from the project

Modified elements/element parameters replace the previous instances

New elements become part of the project

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