Locating Property Objects

You may need to locate a Property Object that contains a specific component or descriptor, or one which includes links to a specific database or a specific key.

These two commands help you find what you need:

Find Property Objects by Properties

Find Property Objects by Elements

Use these commands to search based on a set of criteria.

 Find Property Objects by Properties

Enter criteria and search terms as needed, then click Find Property Objects.


Highlight a Property Object name and click Edit to open the Edit Properties dialog box.

Let’s say you want to find all Property Objects within your ARCHICAD Database that has the text 'tile' in its Component Name. You would select the below two criteria.


Find Property Objects by Elements


You have all Walls selected on the Floor Plan. You want to find only those Walls that have studs in them. Enter the criterion shown above, then click the 'cross-section' button (cross-section of Selection and Criteria). As a result, only those walls are now selected whose associated Property Objects contain Components with 'stud' in their Name.

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