Placing Text Blocks

Before starting to type into a text block, you can determine whether it will be a “breaking” or “non-breaking” text block.

A breaking text block’s width remains fixed, with the line of text “breaking” automatically to the next line when it reaches the limit during input.

A non-breaking text block’s width depends on how much text you enter. Use a non-breaking text block if you are not sure in advance how long the text will be.

To place a breaking text block:

1.Choose the Text tool.

2.Draw a rectangle to define the text block width. 

A Text Editor window and a Formatting Palette appear on the screen.

For more information, see Formatting Palette and Text Editor Controls. 

3.Type the desired text into the Text Editor.

Note: The style and formatting of a newly placed Text Block depend on the settings in the Text Settings dialog box and Info Box. If you want different style or formatting for particular characters or paragraphs you are typing, use the Formatting Palette.

In addition to typing in text, you can use the controls of the Text Editor to add the following predefined items to the text block



-Symbols: Click this button to access a Character Map (Character Palette on Mac) to choose and insert a symbol.

Once you reach the end of the text block, additional text will be automatically entered on the next line. 

You can start a new line at any time by hitting the Return key on your keyboard.

Click Cancel (Control Box) to cancel the text editing operation.

4.To complete the Text box, do one of the following

click on an empty space in the window

click OK in the Control Box

press Ctrl-Enter (Cmd-Enter).

To place a non-breaking text block:

1.Choose the Text tool.

2.Double-click in the view. An editing window and a formatting palette appear on the screen. 

3.Type the desired text into the Text Editor.

The text block will extend indefinitely as long as you keep typing.

Start a new line by pressing Enter. 

4.To complete the Text box, do one of the following

click on an empty space in the window

click OK in the Control Box

press Ctrl-Enter (Cmd-Enter).

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