Create New Classification Reference

A Classification Reference (IfcClassificationReference) arranges IFC elements into a category. You can assign an Item Reference identifier, a classification Name attribute and some other optional parameters to all project elements (such as the building, the stories, the building elements, or the zones).

You can classify elements with this system both in IFC Project Manager and the element Settings dialog.


1.In IFC Project Manager, click New. 

2.Click the Classification Reference button and assign it a new name. Here, too, you can choose from the list of existing Classification Reference names defined previously for the same element type (click the arrow icon to access this list). 

Assign values. The Classification Reference has 7 available items (the most important ones are the “Name” and the identifier (“ItemReference”) of the classification reference data) for defining/editing. 

To define values of a custom-defined Classification Reference data, type them manually or use the Apply Predefined Rule command:

See Apply Predefined Rules.

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