Create a Detail Drawing Viewpoint with Model Source

To create a Detail with its source in the model, place an area-based Detail marker in any of the following windows: Floor Plan, Section/Elevation/Interior Elevation, 3D Document, Worksheet or Detail.

1.Activate the Detail tool.

2.In the Info Box or Detail Default Settings, make sure that “Create new detail viewpoint” is selected. 

3.Choose an area-based geometry method from the Info Box: Polygonal, Rectangular, or Rotated Rectangular. (The first, “No Boundary” geometry method, creates a marker linked to an independent viewpoint having no model source.) 

4.Draw the Detail boundary and click to complete.

5.After drawing the detail boundary, click with the hammer cursor to place the Detail Marker. The X represents the Detail’s origin. 

Note: Source-type Detail markers are distinguished on screen by an optional semi-transparent fill. (Use View > On-screen View Options > Highlight Source Markers to enable or disable this distinguishing fill for all source markers. The color of this highlight can be set in Options > Work Environment > On-Screen Options.)

6.A new Detail Drawing viewpoint is created and listed in the Navigator Project Map.

To define the reference information displayed in a source-type Detail marker:

See Define Marker Reference for Source Marker.

Other information about the new Detail viewpoint - its Markers and Reference information - can be defined in Detail Settings.

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