Integrated Energy Evaluation

ARCHICAD's Energy Evaluation function executes an automatic model geometry and material property analysis on the building model. The resultant data is then used as input by the VIP-Core dynamic energy simulation program module integrated in ARCHICAD. VIP-Core carries out the hourly energy-flow analysis to produce the Energy Performance Evaluation report. The energy performance of the design's current state is easily evaluated within ARCHICAD, and the effects of changes made on the architectural model in order to improve the energy household may be reviewed instantly. Energy Evaluation can be applied at all phases of architectural design, it is therefore not necessary to exit ARCHICAD and exchange data with external energy analysis applications for building energy performance optimization.

In order to produce local energy standard compliance documentation, however, the use of third party Energy Analysis Software may still be necessary. ARCHICAD therefore supports the export of building model data produced by the automatic geometry and material property analysis.

To find out more about VIP-Energy analysis software, please visit StruSoft’s official product website.

For details on ARCHICAD’s Energy Evaluation function, see Energy Evaluation.

See also the section on Interoperability with Green Software (Energy Evaluation).

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