Creating Trusses in Section/Elevation/IE Windows

You can create a truss in a Section/Elevation/IE window:

1.Draw a Roof on the Floor Plan and add a Section Line. 

2.Open the corresponding Section/Elevation/IE window.

3.Fit the framework of the truss to the roof. Draw the outline with lines as you would on the Floor Plan. 

4.Select the framework’s elements and choose Create Truss from the TrussMaker hierarchical menu. (Design > Design Extras > TrussMaker)

5.Make the appropriate settings in the TrussMaker Settings dialog box and save the object.

An alert will be displayed, informing you that the new truss object has been created on the Floor Plan. The truss is placed on the same line as the section line and will therefore appear in the Section/Elevation/IE window as an element that was cut on its edge. 

6.Display the new truss with the roof in 3D or in another Section window. 

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