Round Up to Multiple [MROUNDUP]

Rounds the given number up to the desired multiple.


MROUNDUP (Number, Multiple)

Note: The required separator (comma or semi-colon) automatically corresponds to your computer’s location settings.

Data Types of the Arguments

Integer, Number, Length, Area, Volume, Angle (Must be identical for all Arguments)

Data Type of the Result

Depends on Arguments’ Data Type


The “Beam Length” property calculates the exact length of existing Beam elements in the model (e.g. 2,044).

The “Prefab Beam Length” property is a fixed value (e.g. 300)

Create an expression to round up the Beam Length to the Prefab increment.


MROUNDUP (“Beam Length”, 300)


2,100 (for a sample Beam Length of 2,044)


See also: Round to Multiple [MROUND], Round Down to Multiple [MROUNDDOWN].

To round numbers to specific decimal places: use Round [ROUND], Round Up [ROUNDUP], Round Down [ROUNDDOWN].

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