Dragging Elements

To drag one or more elements to a new location:

1.Select one or more elements, then do one of the following:

select the Drag icon from the pet palette

https://helpcenter.graphisoft.com/wp-content/uploads/archicad-25/030_interaction/2DDrag.png     https://helpcenter.graphisoft.com/wp-content/uploads/archicad-25/030_interaction/3DDrag.png

select Move > Drag from the context menu

use the Drag command shortcut (Ctrl+D)

select Edit > Move > Drag

2.Move the cursor to drag all selected elements to a new location.

3.Click to place.

In the 3D window, dragged elements are constrained to the current 3D Editing Plane. You can change this plane as needed.

See Reposition Editing Plane.

Drag a Copy

To Drag a Copy, select one or more elements, then do one of the following:

press Ctrl while executing the regular Drag command

select Edit > Move > Drag a Copy

select Move > Drag a Copy from the context menu

Drag and click to place a copy. The original element(s) remain in place.

Drag Multiple Copies

To drag several copies of an element:

1.Select one or more elements, then do one of the following:

press Ctrl (Cmd) + Alt while executing the regular Drag command

select Edit > Move > Drag Multiple Copies

select Move > Drag Multiple Copies from the context menu

2.Drag, then click to place a copy.

3.Repeat as many times as needed.

4.Double-click to complete.

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