Snapshots Panel

Available for selected Teamwork project, library, or folder.

Use the controls on the Snapshots panel to schedule, create and manage snapshots (backups) of the selected Teamwork project or library. Required permissions to work with existing snapshots:

Simplified management: Project or Server administrator

Detailed management: Modify details for the selected item 

A snapshot can be of three kinds:

Teamwork project snapshots

PLN Project snapshots

Library snapshots

For an overview of snapshot types and how to use them, see Project/Library Snapshot and Restore.

All types can be either automatically scheduled, or created manually at any time - for example, whenever the project reaches particular milestones.

Snapshot settings of the Projects root are inherited by all child folders and their Teamwork projects/libraries. (For any of these child items, you can define a different Snapshot schedule locally.)

Defining snapshot settings for a folder will not back up the contents of that folder. The only purpose of defining snapshot settings for a folder is to apply these snapshot settings to the Teamwork projects/libraries they contain.

Snapshot Schedule

Click Edit to choose a schedule for the snapshots of the selected item (Teamwork Project or Library): 

Inherited: use the Snapshot settings of the parent folder.

Defined locally: override the default Snapshot settings 

Don't Create: This snapshot type will not be created

Hourly: The snapshot will be created hourly, based on the below settings

Daily: The snapshot will be created at a set time each day

Keep last: Enter the number of snapshots to keep. (You must keep at least one copy.) With each additional automatic snapshot, the oldest stored snapshot will be deleted. Click Save to save changes. Required permissions to modify schedule:

Simplified management: Project or Server administrator

Detailed management: Modify details for the selected item

Snapshots List

See the list of pending and existing Snapshots at the bottom of the Snapshots panel.

Select any of the listed Snapshots to access applicable commands: 

Create (Manual snapshot)

Use the Create command to create a manual snapshot of the currently selected item (project or library).

For a project: Choose the type of snapshot you want, and give it a name.

For a library: Give the snapshot a name.

A Teamwork project snapshot starts immediately as a background job, and you will receive a notification after it completes. (See Background Jobs.) The new snapshot is listed in the Snapshots list (as well as on the Activities panel).

For a PLN Project snapshot: The process is the same as for an automatically scheduled PLN snapshot. All clients are informed (via an icon in the Teamwork Palette) that a snapshot is pending. The snapshot will be created when a client clicks Create snapshot during a Send and Receive.

If a snapshot of the chosen type is already in progress or pending, you cannot create another one until the first one is complete.

Keep Snapshot

Available only if the selected file is an automatic snapshot. Click Keep to retain this automatic snapshot even after it would otherwise be scheduled to be deleted.

After you click Keep, the automatic snapshot becomes a Manual Snapshot, with an editable Name, and will henceforth be listed as a Manual Snapshot.


Available only if the selected item is a Teamwork project snapshot or Library snapshot (not a PLN snapshot)

See Rollback Teamwork Project Snapshot or Library Snapshot on Same BIMcloud.

Download Snapshot File

Click Download, then browse for the file destination.

See also:

Download Snapshot File, then Import to any BIMcloud and

Download PLN Project Snapshot, then Open as Solo Project and Re-Share.

Delete Snapshot

Click to delete the selected snapshot file. If the selected file is a pending PLN Snapshot, it is deleted from the list, and the snapshot will not take place.

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