Add BIMcloud Library

Once it has been uploaded to a BIMcloud, a library can be added to any ARCHICAD project, whether solo or Teamwork.

For information on uploading to the server, see Upload a Library to BIMcloud.

You can access libraries on BIMcloud even if you are currently working on a solo project, as long as you have a valid user name and password enabling access to the server.

Note: In a Teamwork project, you must also have the access right of “Libraries - Add/Remove” in order to add or remove BIMcloud Libraries from the project.

To add a BIMcloud Library to your project, do the following:

1.Open Library Manager (File > Libraries and Objects > Library Manager).

2.From the Libraries in Project tab page, click Add BIMcloud Library from the Add button’s pop-up list.


Note for Teamwork Users: To access the Add commands, you must first Reserve the Library List on the Libraries in Project tab page.


3.The Choose BIMcloud Libraries dialog box appears.


4.Log in to the BIMcloud (if you are not logged in).

See Log in to BIMcloud.

5.Select a library and click Add.

The library will now appear in the BIMcloud Libraries folder of the Library Manager.

6.In Library Manager, click OK to reload project libraries and close the Library Manager.

Alternatively, you can reload libraries without closing Library manager: click Reload and Apply.

See Manage BIMcloud Libraries for information on managing the uploaded libraries.

Synchronizing with the Server Library

When you add a library to the BIMcloud Libraries folder, a local copy of the library will be created on your computer (regardless of whether you are working in solo or Teamwork mode).

If you are working in Teamwork mode, this copy is synchronized with the server data every time you Send or Receive changes.

If you are working in solo mode, this copy is refreshed every time you click Reload and Apply in Library Manager. This reloading also occurs if you have made modifications in the Library Manager, then click OK to close the Library Manager.

Note: The Windows operating system has a limit of 260 on the number of characters that the library path name can contain. Consequently, you may encounter a warning that the program is unable to save a local copy of the BIMcloud library, because the library path is too long.

For details, see Library Path Too Long.

See also Libraries in Teamwork.

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