Permissions for BIMcloud Projects and Teams

A BIMcloud Project Team often includes outside consultants with a wide range of different project duties. Use a Team setup that best matches your company’s needs:

To mirror real-life project environments, where different design teams have different liabilities, Teams can be assigned specific permissions to access BIMcloud Projects.

If no such differentiation of responsibilities is needed among the Teams, the manager can grant identical access to all members of all Teams of a BIMcloud Project by selecting the ‘All Team members’ option. 

Permission to Create a BIMcloud Project

In addition to “View item”:

“Create/Delete BIMcloud Project”

Permissions to Modify/Delete Teams

In addition to “View access”:

“Modify access”

Permission to View BIMcloud Project

A user added to a Team automatically gets the “View BIMcloud Project” permission: s/he will see the Team panel of the BIMcloud Project with the list of other Team members. However, s/he will not automatically see all the sub-items (such as folders) inside the BIMcloud Project.

Dedicated Team Folders

BIMcloud Projects can include dedicated folders for specific Teams, for exclusive data exchange. Each file inside these folders can be modified only by the Team which has permission to modify the folder.

As needed, fine-tune the permissions needed to view or modify these Team folders.

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