Assigning Properties to Elements

When editing a construction element in its Settings dialog box, you can assign Property Objects to the element in the Listing panel. 

Note: This panel is not visible by default. To enable it in any construction element’s settings, go to Options > Work Environment > Tool Settings Dialog Boxes.

The link can be made by criteria or individually.

To assign a Property Object through criteria (that is, all elements that match the criteria selection made in the Link Property Objects to Criteria dialog box - see above), check the Link Property Objects By Criteria box in the Listing panel. Property Objects that match these criteria will be shown in the panel.

You may wish to override this setting by creating a specific assignment for a particular element. In this case, uncheck the Link Property Objects By Criteria box, check the Individually box below and click Choose.

Note: It is possible to keep both checkboxes active at the same time and thereby create a combined assignment. 

Assigning the Property Object manually or through keywords is done the same way as for criteria, as described earlier in this chapter.

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