Create Interior Elevation Group

Interior Elevations are typically created in groups (e.g. four IE’s created by placing a four-segment polyline around a single room).

An IE created using one of the polyline or rectangle input methods will have a separate IE viewpoint for each segment of the line; each view is created perpendicular to the segment. 

1.Activate the Interior Elevation tool. 

2.Use the rectangular or polyline input method to draw the Room Boundary, or space-click on a Zone. 

The resulting rectangle/line/polyline represents the Room Boundary of the Interior Elevation group.

3.Move the cursor to the desired standpoint. The arrows on the feedback indicate the view direction of the resulting Interior Elevation viewpoint. 

4.Click to place the IE marker(s). 

Interior elevations use a dedicated IE marker, a GDL object with editable parameters.

IE marker(s) are placed at the middle of each segment of the IE line or at the center of the room.

To define the Marker style and Position, use the controls in the Marker Panel of Interior Elevation Settings. For any or all of the viewpoints, you can opt not to show a marker, by choosing the No Marker option in this panel.

See Interior Elevation Marker Panel.

5.The new group of viewpoints is created and listed in the Project Map.

Each new IE viewpoint is assigned to an IE Group, even if there is only one viewpoint in the Group.

The IE Group is automatically listed in its own subset in the Project Map. 

You cannot move individual IE viewpoints from one Group to another.

IE’s are handled as a group for purposes of numbering, display, Show on Stories, Layers, Trace functions, and placement on a layout.

Typically, you will use the Master Layout’s “Auto Arrange Setup” options - in Master Layout Settings - to fine-tune the appearance of IE views on the Layout.

To select an Interior Elevation group, select any of its Room Boundary lines.

However, the settings of any single segment are accessible individually.

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