Hip Roof

1.Draw the Floor Plan outline of your building (i.e. external walls).

2.Activate the Roof Tool, and use the Multi-plane Construction method and the Hip geometry method.


3.In Roof Settings, adjust the main roof parameters (e.g. pitch, eaves overhang)

4.Click twice to place the rectangle-shaped pivot line of the Roof, or use the Magic Wand (Space+click) on the edge of the Wall outline to quickly create a Multi-plane roof.

5.The created Roof is a single, Multi-plane roof element.

https://helpcenter.graphisoft.com/wp-content/uploads/archicad-24/040_elementsvb/HipRoofFP.png     https://helpcenter.graphisoft.com/wp-content/uploads/archicad-24/040_elementsvb/HipRoof3D.png

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