Enhanced Coordination with ARCHICAD

The fully open BIMcloud allows architects and engineers to increase their productivity in workflows involving ARCHICAD.

Publishing to BIMcloud from ARCHICAD

User can publish any set of 2D or 3D deliverables from ARCHICAD directly to BIMcloud. From ARCHICAD’s Publisher, select a BIMcloud as a destination and choose the desired folder. Each file of the Publisher Set is then uploaded to BIMcloud, where they become instantly accessible to other members of the team who have the appropriate permissions.

Accessing BIMcloud Files from ARCHICAD

ARCHICAD can directly access all files uploaded to BIMcloud.

From ARCHICAD, the user can:

Place and update hotlinked modules directly from BIMcloud

Place and update any drawing (e.g.: DWG, DXF) directly from BIMcloud

Merge any drawing or model into the current project from BIMcloud

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