Navigator Project Map

The Project Map of the Pop-up Navigator provides a tree structure of the viewpoints of your Virtual Building Model.

Note: The Pop-up Navigator replicates many of the functions of the Navigator Palette familiar from older versions of ARCHICAD. The Navigator Palette (and the Organizer) remain available at Window > Palettes. For details on their specific functions, see Navigator Palette and Organizer Palette.

What is a Viewpoint?

A Viewpoint represents a window onto a particular part of your project. Viewpoints are listed in the Navigator Project Map, organized into folders (one folder named for each type of viewpoint). These folders are a fixed list of item types; you cannot add or delete folders here.

In both the Navigator and Tab Bar, a viewpoint’s icon has a black outline.

Note: Once you save a viewpoint’s settings, it becomes a view (listed in your View Map) and can then be placed onto a Layout for editing.

Project Name

The project gets a name once you save the project file, but if you assign a Project Name in File > Info > Project Info, that is the name that will be shown in the Navigator.

Folders of the Project Map

The Stories folder contains all the Stories defined for the project.

The Sections, Elevations, Interior Elevations, Worksheets, Details and 3D Documents folders contain the list of corresponding windows. If there is no plus sign in front of a folder, this means that no such viewpoint has been created yet in the project.

See ARCHICAD Model Views for information about each of these viewpoint types.

The 3D folder contains elements for the various projection and camera types.

By default, two items are present on starting the project: Generic Perspective and Generic Axonometry.

When you place Cameras in the Project, their names appear in the 3D folder of the Project Map, grouped under the Path.

See Camera Tool Settings.

The Schedules folder contains the interactive schedules (Elements and Components) created as part of the project documentation. The Interactive Schedule serves as a basis for ordering doors, windows, and other construction elements from the manufacturers and for checking the consistency of elements based on a set of criteria.

See Interactive Schedule.

The Project Indexes folder contains sets of table of content-type items, such as a view list indexes, layout sheet and drawing list.

See Project Indexes.

Note: These commands (e.g. Create New Story; Create New Independent Detail) are also available from the context menu if you select the corresponding Project Map item.

The Delete button will remove the selected viewpoint. All linked markers to this viewpoint will be deleted.

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