Save 2D Symbols as Objects

If you find that you need to place a 2D pattern many times in a project, you may wish to create a 2D symbol, then save it as an object.

1.Draw the desired 2D symbol in the project using 2D tools (line, text, fill etc.).

2.Put hotspots on each point where you want the cursor to find the object.

3.Select the desired drawing elements.

4.Use File > Libraries and Objects > Save Selection as, and choose Object.

5.In the Save Object dialog which appears, enter a name and choose the desired folder location for the object:

to the Embedded Library (default choice. It is recommended to save customized, project-specific objects to your Embedded Library.)

browse for a linked library

to a BIMcloud library that has been added to the project

Note: In Teamwork, you must reserve the BIMcloud Library folder before saving to it.

Optionally, click New Folder to create a new folder within the selected library folder.


6.Place the object with the Object tool. Note that the created object is stretchable, but will be distorted after stretching since it was not scripted using parametrics.

For information on editing the resulting GDL library part, see Editing Custom Library Parts and Components.

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