Bluebeam Connection is a PDF-based collaboration and markup solution. This add-on provides an easy connection between ARCHICAD (version 21 and later) and Bluebeam Revu (any version).
Recommended Workflow
From ARCHICAD, save or publish 2D views or layouts as PDFs, then send the PDFs to consultants for markup in the Bluebeam Revu application.
Re-import the PDF markups to ARCHICAD using Bluebeam Connection. The Bluebeam Issues will appear in the right places, on the original 2D source views or Layouts in ARCHICAD. Manage the Issues, using ARCHICAD’s Issue Management functions.
Repeat the process as needed. Each time you reimport Issues from a PDF, you can decide whether to skip or include duplicate or modified Issues from earlier rounds.
Install Bluebeam Connection
Download the Bluebeam Add-on from
Note: For the USA version only, the Add-on is included in ARCHICAD (version 21 Update series 5000 and later). All other language versions must download the add-on separately, using the link shown above.
Bluebeam Connection Palette
The Bluebeam Connection Palette contains three commands used in the Bluebeam Connection workflow. Use these commands to save ARCHICAD view(s) in PDF format, and to import PDF markups to ARCHICAD.
Note: These commands are also available from the Publisher, the File menu and Issue Organizer. However, if you are using the Bluebeam workflow, this palette conveniently groups these commands for you.
Open the palette using one of these commands:
•File > Interoperability > Bluebeam Connection
•Window > Palettes > Bluebeam Connection
Bluebeam Connection Palette |
Bluebeam Connection Palette - Docked |
Publish ARCHICAD View(s) for Bluebeam
From the Bluebeam Connection palette, use one of these two commands:
•Save as PDF
•Publish PDF
to publish one or more ARCHICAD views in PDF format, optimized for markup in Bluebeam Revu.
In particular, the published PDF will include Zone polygons from the ARCHICAD Floor Plan view, which can then be annotated in Bluebeam Revu.
Both commands are described below.
Save Single ARCHICAD View in PDF Format
1.From the Bluebeam Connection palette, click Save as PDF to save the current view in PDF format.
2.Forward the PDF for markup in Bluebeam Revu.
Publish PDF Set
To publish an entire Publisher Set in PDF format, for use in Bluebeam Revu:
1.From the Bluebeam Connection palette, click Publish PDF Documentation.
2.The Publish PDF dialog appears.
3.From the Set to publish drop-down, choose a Publisher Set.
–You must choose a Publisher Set in which all items are in PDF format. If the set you choose includes items in other formats, the Publish button is grey and you cannot continue.
-In this case, click Edit Set to open the Organizer, where you can set up a new Publisher Set and/or redefine Publisher Set items in PDF format.
4.Click Publish.
5.Forward the resulting PDF for markup in Bluebeam Revu.
Import Issues to ARCHICAD
Once the PDF has been marked up in Bluebeam Revu, follow these steps in ARCHICAD to import the Issues:
1.From the Bluebeam Connection Palette: click Import Issues.
2.In the appearing Import Issues dialog box, set the File Type as PDF.
3.Browse for and select the marked up PDF file.
4.Click Options.
The Issue Import Options dialog box opens:
Issue Import Options
In this dialog, define how the issues imported from Bluebeam should appear in ARCHICAD.
Issue Thread
Choose an option for how the imported Issues should appear in Issue Organizer.
•Start New Issue Thread: The imported Issues will constitute their own thread. (In the Issue Organizer, you can sort entries by thread.)
•Create Response to Selected Issue: This option is available if an Issue is currently open in Issue Manager. Choose this to list the imported Issues underneath the currently active Issue, as sub-Issues.
Tip: To create a separate “category” for the imported Issues, first create a new Issue in ARCHICAD, and give it a name (e.g. “Imported Issues from PDF”.) With this new entry selected, import the PDF Issues, and use the “Create Response to…” option. The imported Issues will be listed under this Issues (use Sort by: Thread).
Attribute Conversion Options
Choose how to convert the fills, line types, fonts and layers of the Issues you are importing.
•Use Project’s Fill Types: No new Fill Types will be imported from the PDF. Any imported fills that have no counterpart in the project will be transformed into solid fills.
•Import as Symbol Fill from PDF: A new vectorial fill attribute will be created in the project and used for imported fills. (For example: “60% PDF Solid Fill”)
•Import as Image Fill from PDF: A new image fill attribute will be created for any fills, among the drawing primitives, which have no counterpart among the project’s attributes.
Note: If an image fill is generated, then this file is added to the project’s Embedded Library. If you are working in a Teamwork project, you must have the needed access right: Library Parts – Create.
Line Types
•Use Project’s Line Types: No new Line Types will be imported. Issues are displayed using similar, existing ARCHICAD line types (e.g. solid, dashed, dotted). If a corresponding Line Type does not exist in the ARCHICAD project, a solid line is used.
•Override with uniform Line Type: Choose one of the project’s Line Types. Imported Issues will be displayed using this Line Type.
•Import from PDF: Line Types of Issues are imported and added to the ARCHICAD project.
Text Font
•Override with uniform Font: Choose one of the project’s font types to display text items on imported Issues.
•Use available Fonts: Imported Issue texts are displayed using similar fonts available in the ARCHICAD project.
Layer of Issues
•Single Layer from Project: Choose one of the project’s Layers. Imported Issues will be placed on this Layer.
•Import embedded Layers from PDF: Issues will be placed on layers corresponding to their embedded layer assignment (if any) in the PDF source. Those embedded layers will be added to your ARCHICAD project.
After setting Issue Import Options, click OK to return to the Import Issues dialog.
Import Issues Open File
1.From the Import Issues dialog, select the Bluebeam file to import. Click Open.
2.The Select Issues to Import dialog appears:
3.Select the source documents in the PDF from which to import the Issues.
4.Filter the Issues as needed:
–Skip duplicate Issues: Duplicate Issues have already been imported to ARCHICAD, and they have not changed in the PDF since then. Check this to skip importing these duplicate Issues.
–Skip modified Issues. Modified Issues have already been imported to ARCHICAD, but they were later modified in the PDF. Check this to skip importing these Issues.
–Skip unidentified Issues: Some markup applications do not assign unique IDs to the Issues. Thus, these Issues cannot be identified as either new, duplicate or modified. (This is not a problem in the Bluebeam Revu workflow.) Check this to skip importing these Issues.
5.Click Import. An Info dialog appears:
6.Click Open Report to see a summary of Issues that have been added to the original ARCHICAD views, or click OK to skip the report.
The new Issues are also listed in Issue Organizer.
7.Navigate to the source ARCHICAD views or Layouts to handle the imported Issues.