Argument’s Data Type is Not Correct

If you get this error, check to see which data types are required by each argument in the Function.

Example 1: Check Required Data Types for Each Argument

This Expression uses the LEFT function with two Arguments. However, the error message indicates a problem with the Arguments’ Data Type(s).


In Expression Editor, hover over the LEFT function name.

Check the pop-up to see the required data types:


You see that the first (Text) argument must be a string, and the second (NumberOfCharacters) argument must be an integer.

But your expression contains two strings, which is incorrect:

LEFT (“The quick brown fox”, “The quick”)


Change the second argument to an integer.

LEFT (“The quick brown fox”, 9)

Example 2: Check Required Data Types for Each Argument

This Expression uses the POWER function with two Arguments. However, the error message indicates a problem with the Arguments’ Data Type(s).



In Expression Editor, hover over the POWER function name.

Check the pop-up to see what data types are required by each argument in this Function:


You see that the second (Exponent) argument must be an integer or number.

Your expression contains two Lengths, which is incorrect:

POWER (2m, 3m)

The second argument (Exponent) must be an integer or a number, without a unit.


POWER (2m, 3)

Example 3: Check Required Data Types for Each Argument

This Expression uses the CONCAT function with two Arguments. However, the error message indicates a problem with the Arguments’ Data Type(s).


In Expression Editor, hover over the CONCAT function name.

Check the pop-up to see what data types are required by each argument in this Function:


In the CONCAT function, all arguments must be strings. A text is a string if it is in quotation marks.

In your expression, the first argument is a number, which is incorrect:

CONCAT (1, “a”)


Change the first argument to a string by doing one of the following:

by enclosing text within quotation marks:

CONCAT (“1”, “a”)

or by using the STR function:

CONCAT (STR (1),“a”)

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