This page contains element-specific information on the effect of Partial Structure Display.
Columns In Partial Structure Display
Zones and Partial Structure Display
Floor Plan Cover Fills in Partial Structure Display
Dimensions in Partial Structure Display
Intersections of Partially Displayed Elements
Columns In Partial Structure Display
Each veneer can be defined as Core, Finish or Other, in Column Tool Settings.
See Core and Veneer.
For Columns “wrapped” by walls: No wrapping occurs if you are using Core only display.
Zones and Partial Structure Display
Regardless of which Partial Display option is in effect, zones are not affected: zones that extend to an “Inner Edge” are calculated to include the “finish” component of a surrounding structure, even if the finishes are hidden according to the current Partial Structure Display Setting.
Floor Plan Cover Fills in Partial Structure Display
The Partial Structure Display setting has no effect on cover fills.
If you have assigned a Cover Fill to any composite or complex element (this might be a Roof, Slab, or Mesh), then the Cover Fill will appear regardless of the Partial Display option that is in effect.
Note: Cover Fills can use Graphic Overrides.
Dimensions in Partial Structure Display
Each Partial Display mode has its own set of dimensions: you can have a set of dimensions in your Core Only view, and other sets of dimensions in your Entire Model and Without Finishes views. If you switch between Partial Structure Display settings, the dimensions associated with the earlier Display setting will not be visible. To see the Dimensions again, switch back to the Partial Structure Display setting in which the Dimensions were placed.
This wall is displayed with the Core Only display setting:
If you now switch the display setting to Entire Model, the dimension shown in Core Only disappears, and the other dimension - the one previously created with the Entire Model display setting - appears.
You can copy-paste dimensioned elements between two views whose Partial Structure Display settings are dissimilar. However, if you try to paste dimensioned elements that do NOT appear in the given Partial Structure display, those dimensions will be lost after you paste.
Intersections of Partially Displayed Elements
Intersections will behave just as they do when the entire model is displayed: No further skin intersections will be cleaned up as a result of changing to partial display.