Search results for: cinerender

Environment (CineRender Surface Channel)

The Environment page uses a texture to simulate reflection. Here, in contrast to the other pages, the Color and Texture are multiplied by the Mix mode instead of being added. So why would you want to use the environment property instead of Reflectance? One reason is that your scene may not ...

Luminance (CineRender Surface Channel)

Use this channel to add a light-independent, luminescent color to your surface. A luminescent object can be seen even when there are no lights in the scene. It is self-illuminated. If you are using an image as your texture, load a file to use as a luminance map. The brighter a pixel in the ...

Spherical Camera (CineRender)

Use this feature to create a rendering with a 360 view. The resulting image can be viewed as a navigable panorama picture in various media, such as YouTube, Facebook or Twitter. Introduction The increasing number of virtual reality applications (VR) require new methods of creating image ...

Sketch Shaders (CineRender Surfaces)

  Four Sketch shaders are available: Art, Cel, Hatch and Spots. •The Art shader uses a sphere to calculate the lighting and shading of a given object. Uniform shading can be achieved by varying the surface and color of the sphere. •The Cel shader combines Manga and Anime ...

Spherical Camera (CineRender)

Use this feature to create a rendering with a 360 view. The resulting image can be viewed as a navigable panorama picture in various media, such ...