Search results for: ArchiCAD+18+uued+omadused:+Kujundatud+jooniste+projektimuudatuste+ajaloo+(Layout+Revision+History)+objekt:+Stiili+häälestused,+Osa+1

About WibuKey protection

Basic ideas WibuKey is a hardware protection key for ArchiCAD and other Graphisoft products. It has been used for ArchiCAD since version 7.0. Since ArchiCAD 13, both WibuKey and CodeMeter keys are available for ArchiCAD. A protection key (also known as…

Mac OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion

Compatible versions Supported versions: GRAPHISOFT is maintaining compatibility for ArchiCAD 15 and 16 and connected products (BIMx, BIM Server, BIM Server Manager) on OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion. Based on GRAPHISOFT's first tests ArchiCAD 15 and 16…

WibuKey Server

How WIBU-KEY Server works The WIBU-KEY Server Application is an application that offers services to WIBU-KEY Clients which run in the same LAN (Local Area Network). On all computers where an ArchiCAD runs a Wibu-Key Client is also set up (If the ArchiCAD…


What is Gatekeeper and related problems.

Software Key FAQ

Software-Based Protection Keys - or Software Keys for short - have the same functionality as Hardware-based Protection Keys, but instead of storing software licenses on an USB stick, the licenses are stored in a software container file on your computer.

CodeMeter protection known issues

A free license is needed for the borrow operation UPDATE : In ArchiCAD 15 this has been fixed. (Make sure you have only one ArchiCAD session running on the computer where you would like to borrow a license.) For the borrow operation one free license is…

Sizing Text and Markers with Points

ForWikiEditors : ToDoTechTip/ - check and update article In ArchiCAD 9 and earlier, measuring symbols is one issue and measuring text adds an extra complication for anyone using Imperial units (e.g., US version). This article does not apply to metric…