Editing MEP Elements

MEP-specific editing operations are available in the Floor Plan and 3D window. (In the Section/Elevation/IE windows, only the basic - Move, Stretch - editing commands are available.)

For any selected MEP element, use its Settings dialog to edit its parameters. Use the Pet Palette commands to edit the MEP element graphically.

When you edit a selected MEP element, certain parameters of connected (though unselected) MEP elements may also change as a result.

Following the edit, every modified element becomes selected.

For example, if you change the cross-section of one selected element, the connected elements will become disconnected as a result, and they will all be shown as selected following the edit.

Select the MEP element(s) to be edited. The Pet Palette commands include the usual element-editing options common to ARCHICAD elements: Drag, Rotate, Mirror, Elevate, Multiply.

https://helpcenter.graphisoft.com/wp-content/uploads/mep_modeler_user_guide_for_archicad_ 23/mep_user_guide/PetPaletteRegular.png 

The top row of the Pet Palette can include certain commands specific to the type and geometry of the selected MEP element: The following sections illustrate these Pet Palette editing options.