Step By Step Examples

Example 1: Zones with all included object types summarized (subtotal by zones)

1.Open the Set up List Schemes the dialog box.

2.Duplicate one of the Zone list schemes and name it, e.g., “Objects by Zones”. 

3.In the first tab page (Zones), be sure to set filters appropriately: if you want to list all zones, check all stories, all zone categories, etc.

4.In the second tab page (Properties & Parameters):

set None in the Components, Descriptors and Library Part’s Additional Parameters pop-up menus;

enable objects (click the chair icon) in the Enable Listing of Related Elements box;

set All Elements in the Linked Property Objects pop-up menu;

check Zone Name and Zone Number in the Zone Parameters list. 

5.In the third tab page (Related Elements):

Set None in the Components, Descriptors and Library Part’s Additional Parameters pop-up menus;

Check Library Part Name in the Global Element Parameter list. 

6.In the fourth tab page (List Format):

Select Text List;

Set Group & Count Identical in the Elements pop-up menu; be make sure that the following parameter list is at the bottom: 

7.Click OK and choose the saved Object by Zones list scheme in Zone Lists. You will get a list something like this: 

Example 2: Grand total of object types for the entire project

1.Open Set up List Schemes.

2.Duplicate one of the Element list schemes and name it, e.g., “Objects total”.

3.In the first tab page (Elements), be sure to set filters appropriately, i.e., check Objects (chair icon) under “by Types”, check all stories, etc.

4.In the second tab page (Properties & Parameters):

set None in the Components, Descriptors and Library Part’s Additional Parameters pop-up menus;

check Library Part Name in the Global Element Parameter list. 

5.In the third tab-page (List Format):

select Text List;

set Group & Count Identical in the Elements pop-up menu;

6.Click OK and choose the Objects total list scheme in Element Lists. You will get a list showing the grand total for each object type: 

Example 3: Zones with all included object types summarized (subtotal by zones) and the total number of each object type (grand total)

This example describes a complete listing environment that produces the result of the previous two list schemes within one list

Phase 1: Create the “Object Counter” Property Object

1.Use the New Properties command to open a blank Library Part Window.

2.Click Properties to open the Property Script window.

3.Copy the following two lines into the Property script:

dummy = REQUEST (“Name_of_Listed”, “”, name)

COMPONENT name, 1, “”, 1, name

See the “GDL Reference Guide” in ARCHICAD Help.

4.Save the Property Object as, e.g., “Object Counter”.

Note: This object will generate a separate column for the Quantity (number) of each object type (name)

Phase 2: Link “Object Counter” to the objects

Alternative 1: through individual link

1.Select all objects to be included in the list.

2.Open the Object Settings dialog box.

3.Go to the Listing Panel.

Note: This panel is not visible by default. To enable it in any construction element’s settings, go to Options > Work Environment > Tool Settings Dialog Boxes.

4.If checked, uncheck the Link Property Objects By Criteria box, and check the Individually box below.

5.The Link Property Objects dialog box opens. 

6.Select “Object Counter” in the list and click Link (make sure that the “Object Counter” is under the checkbox as you return to the Object Settings dialog box).

7.Click OK to establish the link.

Note: Any Objects placed afterwards will have to be linked individually.

Alternative 2: through dynamic link by criteria

1.Use the  Link Properties to Criteria command. 

2.Select a Database Set in the Show Links in pop-up menu.

3.Click New Link, then click Edit Criteria, the Criteria Selector opens up.

4.Set the Find Elements: pop-up menu to Of Type>>, and select Object (chair icon) in the pop-up palette on the right. 

5.Click Apply and return to the Link Property Objects to Criteria dialog box.

6.Close the dialog box and save the criteria when prompted.

7.Select all objects to be included in the list.

8.Open the Object Settings dialog box. Go to the Listing Panel.

Note: This panel is not visible by default. To enable it in any construction element’s settings, go to Options > Work Environment > Tool Settings Dialog Boxes.

9.If checked, uncheck the Individually box and check the Link Property Objects by Criteria box.

Note: If you have other existing links for objects in the list, they may be in conflict with these criteria for a particular object. Additional links may be valid, or more specific links can be applied instead of this link.

Phase 3: Setting up the List Scheme

1.Follow steps 1 to 6 from Example 1 or duplicate the existing “Objects by Zones” list scheme and name it, e.g., “Objects by Zones + Total”.

2.In the third (Related Elements) tab page:

set Object Specific Items Only in the Components pop-up menu.

be sure to check All above the Keys list.

3.In the fourth (List Format) tab page:

be sure that the following parameter list is at the bottom: 

4.Click OK and choose the previously saved List Scheme from Zone Lists.