Search results for: shell

Create Hole in Shell

On the Floor Plan or Section window: 1.Select any Shell on the Floor Plan or Section. 2.From the context menu, choose Create Hole in Shell.   3.Draw the desired polygon onto the Shell. (The opening’s plane is the Floor Plan, but you can edit this later.) See Edit Shell ...

How to create custom Solid bodies using Shell The Shell Tool that was introduced in ArchiCAD 15 is a very versatile Tool. However, as its name implies, it is a Shell, it is a body of constant thickness generated onto a membrane. ArchiCAD users may encounter…

Define Shell Contour

  Suppose we have a ruled Shell like the one above. You can trim it, or any Shell geometry, to the desired shape by defining its contour. 1.Go to the Floor Plan or Section window. 2.Select the Shell. 3.From the context menu, choose Define Shell Contour.   4.Draw the ...

Edit Shell Hole

For information on customizing Shell edge surface, see Customize Edge of Shell or Edge of Shell Hole. The Shell hole is created by an editable ...

About Shells

Basic Shell Creation Shells can be created in either the Floor Plan or 3D Window. Use one of three basic shapes: •Extruded •Revolved, or •Ruled   Creating a basic Shell of any of these types is easy. Then you can develop the Shell further by graphically editing ...

Create Hole in Shell

On the Floor Plan or Section window: 1.Select any Shell on the Floor Plan or Section. 2.From the context menu, choose Create Hole in Shell. ...

Revolved Shell: Arced Triangular Roof Complex

  1.On the Floor Plan, activate the Shell Tool and choose the Revolved geometry method with simple input method.   2.Create a Revolved Shell with a 45-degree angle of revolution.   3.With the Shell selected, choose Define Shell Contour from the context menu. 4.Define a ...

How to create gable profile with Shell Tool

This article would like to provide you with some information of the free usage of Shell Tool for example by creating a gable profile. Step 1: Create a profile from Polyline on the Floorplan In this example we create a traditional Hungarian profile from…

Ruled Shell: Tennis Court Shell

Create a Shell atop a tennis court stadium. 1.Place the Tennis Court object. 2.Draw a rectangle of walls around it at 45 degrees to the stadium; this wall will serve as the reference for the Ruled Shell’s profiles (it will be deleted later).   Place a Ruled Shell on top: ...

Extruded Shell with Freely Defined Profile

Use this method to define the Shell profile with a polyline, then extrude it perpendicularly to the editing plane. Two examples are shown here.   1.Activate the Shell Tool and choose the extruded geometry method with detailed input method.   On the Floor Plan: 2.Draw the ...