Snap Guides
Snap Guides are temporary lines and arcs that appear along existing elements, to assist accurate element placement.
You can also control which Snap Guides appear by marking particular points or edges as Snap References.
Press Shift during input
From the context menu, use Lock to Guide Line/Snap Guide
Use the Snap Guides command in the toolbar dropdown
Use View > Snap Guides
To make Snap Guides appear in more places that are relevant to your input, you can define any edges or points as Snap References.
Click Q on any edge or point to “Force Snap Reference”, to highlight an edge or node as a Snap Reference instantly (regardless of the timer set in the Work Environment).
Note: The predefined Shortcut for this command is the Q key, but may vary depending on your localized version of ARCHICAD.
Snap Guides which are relative to the location of your cursor (e.g. Horizontal/Vertical, Parallel to Grid, a fixed Incremental Angle), depending on the options set at Options > Work Environment > Input Constraints and Guides.
Snap Guides relative to any Snap References you have marked, and to the relations among those Snap References.
From the context menu of an existing Snap Guide, use the Pin Snap Guide command:
From the context menu during element input, use the Place Snap Guide/Snap Circle command:
During Tracker input, click the crosshair icon in the coordinate field. The edited element will then jump to that coordinate value and the applicable Snap Guides will appear.
Options for Snap Guides/References are set at: Options > Work Environment > Input Constraints and Guides.