Edit Page Item

Clicking any of the Header, Footer or Background buttons opens the Edit Page Item dialog box where you can edit these settings. It is possible to place a Header and/or Footer on each page or only on the first page. The first page Header and/or Footer can be different from the rest.
Choose the Page Item you wish to modify from the Edit pop-up list at the upper left of the dialog box. Predefined formats are available from the Record Type pop-up.
Define the Page Item size by typing the desired values in the Total Width and Total Height fields. Organize the selected Page Item into Fields using the Rows and Columns fields.
Edit the default text type of the selected page item in the Default Text Format dialog box. Use the Insert text pop-up to define how the text will be cropped if it does not fit in the cell.
Click Picture to import a bitmap image into the layout of the edited page item. The bitmaps can be external image files from any of the active Libraries, ARCHICAD object symbol drawings generated by Property Objects, or Preview Pictures of ARCHICAD Library Parts in the active Libraries.
Use these controls in the Edit Page Item dialog box to further define the item (e.g. header, footer).
Use the Field to Edit counters to define which field you wish to modify. The first counter is for the column, the second is for the row.
Click the Borders button to set Field borders.
Define the contents of Text Fields: Choose an item from the pop-up and click the Insert >> button. Click the Insert pop-up below to add globally defined data.