Display Order

ARCHICAD’s default stacking order is appropriate in most cases, but you may wish to place elements in a different overlapping position. For instance, for a Fill to overlap a 2D element or an Object, a set of commands in Edit > Display Order hierarchical menu or the relevant buttons of the Arrange Elements toolbar let you override the default stacking order element by element.
Bring Forward: On this command, selected element(s) will overlap all the unchanged elements of their own and any lower classes, but will still stay below the elements of higher classes.
Bring to Front: On this command, selected element(s) will overlap all other existing elements.
Send Backward: On this command, selected element(s) will be overlapped by (sent behind) all the unchanged elements of their own and higher classes, but will overlap the elements of lower classes.
Send to Back: On this command, selected element(s) will become overlapped by all other existing elements.
Reset Default Order: This command restores the default overlapping order described previously.
The Bring to Front and Send to Back commands move the selected elements until they overlap (or are overlapped by) all of the existing elements. This is not necessarily the 1st or the 14th level, which means that in most cases it will still be possible to place other elements above or below them.