Reposition Editing Plane

Note: The Offset and Snap to Story commands are available only before you begin input.
Access the commands from View > Grid and Editing Plane Options.
Choose Snap to Story.
Choose Offset.
Next Plane: Click this to switch to the next editing plane that makes sense in the editing context.
Horizontal: Rotates the editing plane to a horizontal position.
Vertical: Rotates the editing plane to a vertical position.
Look to Perpendicular: Sets up the 3D window so that it is perpendicular to the Editing Plane.
When you select the Roof and the Subtract from Polygon command, the editing plane automatically corresponds to the Roof plane.
From the context menu, choose Editing Plane, then Pick Plane. (Or access this command from the editing plane grip.)
From the context menu, select Editing Plane Projection.
Alternatively, click on the Editing Plane Grip to bring up the same commands.